
Dr. Rod Hembree

Those who follow Christ are reminded from the Word of God that we are responsible for what

we say and what we do. In other words, how we live speaks to everyone around us, it tells them

who we serve––God or man. Jesus Christ told us to spread the good news of who He is and

what He has done for us. So often our actions speak louder than our words. But these days

our words are many and our actions are few. Faithfulness seems to be fading away. That is

because to have pure and honest actions it requires the law of God to be written on our hearts.

So, let us remember that God’s law comes from the heart of our LORD and Saviour Jesus

Christ. There is a reason why Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man, came to pay the cost

of our sin with His own life. That by raising Himself from the dead three days later, to defeat

death and give all who receive Him the gift of eternal life, He proved to the world He has the

authority to give you a new heart after His own heart.