Pharaoh was a man of deep pride. He did not think of himself as a man but as a god. After all,
he believed that he was the son of Amun-Ra, the ancient Egyptian god associated with the sun
and air, who held great power and popularity in Egypt. The extremely bright light was how the
Egyptians explained his creation power. But the LORD was confronting Pharaoh’s hard heart with
the reality of who the One True God was, the Creator of Pharaoh and all the things that he thought
were his to command. God is the LORD who created everything! He is the God of the universe
and all that they contain, including the sun and the light. But with Pharaoh’s pride so built up in
his mind, it is easy to see and understand why he was so hardhearted. There are procedures to
Pharaoh’s humiliation that the God of the universe used to ultimately break him. In Exodus 10, we
begin to see the waning and cracking of his deep and darkened pride. God uses the measures of
the ten plagues of Egypt to break down the pride of Pharaoh.