
Dr. Rod Hembree

God gave the Israelites special seasons and times to serve as reminders of His work on their

behalf. The Passover Feast and Festival of Unleavened Bread are just two examples of the

LORD’s commanding Israel to remember when He brought them out of Egypt and what He

did for them. Israel left Egypt and came out into the desert. There was no fertile ground, no

water, and no way to stay alive except through the power of the living God. In future years, the

Israelites were to reenact certain events of the exodus. These celebrations still happen today in

Jewish communities and reflect on God’s provision. There is a reason that they are included in

the Bible. If we pay attention, we too can see how the LORD has built into our lives ways that

He has changed us and the way we live. And we are commanded by God to keep these things

in the center of our thinking. God showed Moses that the people of Israel would forget, if given

the opportunity, so by celebrating the feasts they would remember and memorialize what the

LORD had done for them.