Mankind has always been an expert on ways to complain about things that have gone wrong.
For example, when we sinned, we did not follow what the LORD had told us and we ended
up complaining, even though we were the ones who sinned. We are great at complaining!
But the Bible tells us that God hears us even when we complain. It is wrong to build our lives
by complaining. There is no ministry of complaints in God’s Kingdom! This complaining and
ungrateful attitude was becoming longer and more hostile and was something that the LORD
brought to the front with the people of Israel early on. Exodus 16 explains that the people were
complaining, even after God had miraculously shifted and changed their circumstances in the
desert. Think about this: there were more than a million people who moved out of Egypt from
under the provisions they had there, to the desert where there were no provisions. Yet God
provided for them!