
Dr. Rod Hembree

People have dreams. We have used the idea of a dream—something we experience when we are

asleep—to represent future hopes, achievements, or aspirations. Dreams in this sense are very

personal. The definition for the term aspiration is “a desire, a longing, or aim, ambition”. This

is the way we tend to think of dreams. Like his father Jacob, Joseph received two dreams in his

lifetime by God. Unfortunately, Joseph tended to be very arrogant. He was greatly favored by his

father over his other brothers, and carried around the entitlements of a premium son. He boldly

told his dreams to his older brothers and his father and, to be frank about it, they were disgusted

and marked it up to the arrogance of a young, teenager Joseph. The dreams were taken very

much out of context. The dreams were true and God would certainly make them come true but

they were not for that time or space. We should work hard to hear what God is saying to us in the

context of what is happening around us.