Joseph and God
Many have tried to make sense of Joseph’s devastating fall into Egypt. To suggest that God
was late or impeded in His rescue is a misunderstanding of what God was doing. Remember
that Joseph was troubled by pride. This was encouraged by his father who treasured him more
than his other sons. Joseph was sold into Egypt by his brothers and their father was told that he
was dead. Jacob deeply grieved for Joseph. But Joseph was very much alive. God was removing
him from the trouble that he had inherited from his father. The LORD separated Joseph from
the ungodly sins that he had inherited and grown around as a young boy. The man was
becoming a man of God. Sometimes God allows those He loves to go through unjust suffering,
persecution, trials, and tribulation to refine their souls for a greater task. After his service as
a slave to Potiphar and his undeserved time in prison, Joseph was finally ready to move in the
direction God had orchestrated behind the scenes all along. Although it seemed like Joseph
didn’t know any of this would happen, it was God’s will for his life.