Embracing the Wind of Holiness: Navigating God's Purging and the Promise of Revival

In this current season, God is revealing a significant shift within the body of Christ. This shift is not just a superficial change but a deep, transformative move that is purging the Church, especially its leaders. It is a divine purging aimed at preparing a pure people to carry His glory and advance His Kingdom. This process is essential as it sets the stage for a great revival that is imminent. However, it's crucial to understand that being pure does not equate to being perfect. Instead, it calls for a focused commitment to the glory of Christ, devoid of impure motives. As God shakes His Church, we must remember that we belong to an unshakable Kingdom.

The Prophetic Warning of 1987: A Wind of Holiness

In 1987, David Minor delivered a prophetic word that resonates profoundly with our current times. The Spirit of God proclaimed that a wind of the Holy Spirit, named HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD, is sweeping through the land. This wind, representing a divine call to holiness, is largely unrecognized by the Church. Many, in their lack of understanding, will seek to avoid this wind, thus missing the transformative work of God. This wind is destined to penetrate every institution established in God's name. Any ministry or organization that has replaced God's purpose with its own will collapse, as flimsy as cardboard shacks in a storm.

This prophetic wind is not a demonic attack but a purifying act of God. The Lord is intolerant of His Church in its current compromised state. Ministries and organizations that have not maintained integrity before Him will be shaken and fall. Even those attempting to hide from this divine wind will find no refuge. Everything around them will seem to crumble, but this devastation is a necessary purging.

Following this initial wind, a second wind, named THE KINGDOM OF GOD, will arrive. This wind will bring divine government and order, along with God's power. The supernatural will manifest, bringing miracles among God's people and instilling the fear of God across nations. From the wreckage of the first wind, where pride, lust, greed, competition, and jealousy are blown away, God will establish His Kingdom.

Those who have withstood the first wind will be carried forward by the second. This process is crucial for the revival and return of the miraculous that many have longed for. The Church, in its current form, cannot contain God's power, but as it turns to the wind of God's Holiness, it will be purged and transformed to contain His glory.

A Vision of the Aftermath of a Typhoon

In July 2023, I had a vision of the aftermath of a typhoon. In this vision, the Lord conveyed that there would be a work of devastation, purification, and relocation within the body of Christ. This vision aligns with the prophetic word given by David Minor in 1987, offering further insight into the transformative work God is undertaking in His Church.


The devastation seen in the aftermath of the typhoon symbolizes the necessary dismantling of structures, both physical and spiritual, that do not align with God's will. This includes false teachings, impure motives, compromised leadership, and systems and traditions that are contrary to Kingdom order. Although painful, this process is essential for true cleansing and renewal.


Following the devastation, the purification process begins. As the debris is cleared, there is room for new growth and a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit. This period of purification is vital for the Church to become a vessel capable of containing and carrying God's glory.

Clearing the debris involves a profound and thorough cleansing of all that is contrary to God's holiness. It requires the Church to examine its practices, teachings, and leadership critically. False teachings that have led believers astray must be identified and corrected. Impure motives and compromised leadership must be confronted and replaced with genuine, Christ-centered intentions and integrity.

Doctrinal purity is essential, requiring a return to core Christian truths and rejection of unbiblical doctrines. High ethical standards, transparency, and accountability in leadership are crucial to rebuild trust and honor God.

Community restoration is also vital, involving forgiveness, unity, and healing. Addressing past wounds and fostering mutual support and love within the body of Christ are necessary steps for moving forward.


The redeployment and relocation of many within the body of Christ reflect the strategic repositioning God is orchestrating in this season. Just as a typhoon scatters seeds to new locations where they can take root, God is moving His people to new assignments and places to advance His Kingdom. This relocation is reminiscent of the scattering and diaspora of believers resulting from persecution in the early church, as outlined in Acts 8 following Stephen's death. The persecution in Jerusalem forced believers to spread out, leading to the widespread dissemination of the Gospel. Similarly, this current relocation is not a sign of defeat but a strategic move to spread the message of Christ and bring light to dark places.

The Purging of the Church

The purging of the Church is a divine process aimed at cleansing and preparing the body of Christ for greater glory. This purging is particularly focused on leaders, as they play a crucial role in guiding and shepherding God's people. Leaders are being called to a higher standard of holiness, integrity, and purity.

As believers, we must embrace this purging process with humility and openness. We must allow God to examine our hearts and reveal areas that need correction. This process requires us to be honest with ourselves and with God, confessing our sins and seeking His forgiveness. It also calls for a willingness to change and align our lives with His will.

Jeremiah 1:10: Tearing Down and Building Up

In Jeremiah 1:10, God tells the prophet Jeremiah, "See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." This verse encapsulates the dual nature of God's work in His Church in this season.

God is uprooting and tearing down what is not aligned with His will. This includes false teachings, impure motives, and compromised leadership. It is a necessary part of the purging process, as it removes the old and prepares the way for the new.

At the same time, God is building and planting. He is raising up new leaders, establishing new ministries, and planting new churches. This building and planting is a sign of new growth and a fresh move of God's Spirit.

The Unshakable Kingdom

As God shakes His Church, we must remember that we belong to an unshakable Kingdom. This Kingdom is eternal and cannot be shaken by the trials and challenges of this world. It is a Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

In the midst of the shaking, we must stand firm in our faith. We must hold on to God's promises and trust in His faithfulness. We must not be swayed by the opinions and pressures of this world but remain steadfast in our commitment to Christ.

Despite the shaking, we are called to advance God's Kingdom. This involves sharing the gospel, making disciples, and demonstrating the love and power of Christ. It requires boldness, courage, and a willingness to step out of our comfort zones.

Preparing for the Greatest Revival in History

The purging of the Church is a precursor to a great revival that is imminent. God is preparing His people for an outpouring of His Spirit that will transform lives and impact nations. This revival will bring a fresh wave of God's presence, power, and glory. It will result in a harvest of souls and a renewed passion for Christ.

Purity is essential for this revival. God is looking for vessels that are clean and pure, through whom He can pour out His Spirit. This purity is not about being perfect but about having a heart that is fully surrendered to God. It is about living with integrity, honesty, and holiness. It is about being free from hidden sins and impure motives.

As we prepare for this revival, we must live with a Kingdom focus. This means prioritizing God's Kingdom over our own desires and ambitions. It means seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness. It means living with an eternal perspective, knowing that our time on earth is short and that we have a divine mission to fulfill.

A New Season in the Church

We find ourselves in a transformative era within the Church, characterized by a profound shift in the spiritual realm. God is purifying His Church, particularly its leaders, to prepare a holy people capable of carrying His glory and advancing His Kingdom. Though this purification process is challenging, it is essential as it readies us for the imminent great revival.

Both David Minor's prophetic warning in 1987 and the vision following a typhoon in July 2023 underscore God's work of purging and preparing His Ekklesia. As God's people undergo this purification, we must approach it with humility and openness, allowing the Father to cleanse and renew us.

Our response to this purification is pivotal. By aligning ourselves with God's purposes and submitting to His purifying work, we position ourselves to witness the greatest harvest of souls and the advancement of God's Kingdom in our cities and nations. We are not merely to occupy space in society but to seize Kingdom territory alongside Jesus.

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Glenn Bleakney

Glenn Bleakney

1 Comment

Wendy Hayes - June 30th, 2024 at 11:11pm

Wow! Such a powerful word for this season. Thanks Glenn.