Reaching the "Nones" and "Dones" Without Compromising the Gospel
July 2nd, 2024
In an era where religious disaffiliation is on the rise, the church faces a crucial challenge: How can we reach those who have never been part of organized religion (the "nones") and those who have le...  Read More
by Glenn Bleakney
Embracing the Wind of Holiness: Navigating God's Purging and the Promise of Revival
June 20th, 2024
In this current season, God is revealing a significant shift within the body of Christ. This shift is not just a superficial change but a deep, transformative move that is purging the Church, especial...  Read More
by Glenn Bleakney
A Integração Vital: Equilibrando Avivamento, Discipulado e Evangelismo na Igreja Moderna
June 20th, 2024
A igreja moderna está em um ponto crucial, navegando por visões diversas e muitas vezes concorrentes. Embora o avivamento, o discipulado e o evangelismo representem facetas essenciais da missão da igr...  Read More
by Glenn Bleakney
A Importância dos Pais Espirituais: Dez Mudanças Estratégicas para Líderes Apostólicos
June 20th, 2024
Em uma época em que a presença da influência paterna é notavelmente escassa, os líderes apostólicos enfrentam uma necessidade inegável e urgente de transcender seus papéis convencionais como meros líd...  Read More
by Glenn Bleakney
Living Naturally Supernatural: It's Your Inheritance in Christ
June 19th, 2024
One of the most astounding truths of the New Covenant is that through faith in Christ, we become partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). This profound reality means that the same Spirit who conc...  Read More
by Glenn Bleakney
Revive, Disciple, Evangelize: Integrating the Church's Mission for Lasting Impact
June 19th, 2024
The modern church stands at a pivotal point, navigating through diverse and often competing visions. While revival, discipleship, and evangelism each represent essential facets of the church's mission...  Read More
by Glenn Bleakney
Critical Elements in Building a Kingdom Movement 🌱
June 19th, 2024
Launching an apostolic center is a remarkable yet daunting calling. An apostolic center, in the context of Christian ministry, is a hub of spiritual activity that focuses on equipping and sending beli...  Read More
by Glenn Bleakney
Shifting from Leadership to Fatherhood
June 19th, 2024
Now, more than ever, they must fully embrace their true calling as spiritual fathers, offering guidance, nurturing, and unwavering care that can only be provided by those who embody the essence of a s...  Read More
by Glenn Bleakney