Laprie Agresif (Aggressive Prayer) - Dr Derek Prince

Dr. Pamela Noel

Nan ansèyman sa a, Pastè Derek Prince eksplike pouvwa transfòmatè priyè avèk pasyon, e li montre nou kijan pou n' vin devan Bondye avèk lafwa solid ak pèsistans pou resevwa repons klè ak konkrè. Sèvi ak prensip biblik yo ansanm ak eksperyans pèsonèl li, Pastè Derek bay konsèy pratik sou kijan pou nou mete priyè nou an ann amoni ak volonte Bondye, devlope yon atitid de zèl, epi simonte obstak k'ap anpeche lavi priyè nou. Ansèyman sa a ekipe kwayan yo avèk zouti ak konprann pou yo priye avèk pasyon ak atant, asire ke demand nou yo touche kè Bondye e pote entèvansyon diven li nan lavi nou.

In this insightful teaching, Pastor Derek Prince delves into the transformative power of fervent prayer, showing us how to approach God with unwavering faith and persistence to receive clear and tangible answers. Drawing from biblical principles and his own personal experiences, Pastor Derek offers practical guidance on how to align our prayers with God's will, cultivate an attitude of earnestness, and overcome common obstacles that hinder our prayer life. This teaching equips believers with the tools and understanding needed to pray with passion and expectancy, ensuring that our petitions move the heart of God and bring about His divine intervention in our lives.