
Jun 23, 2024

David is one of the most well-known of all Bible characters but there is much about him that is not known. The Bible introduces David in 1 Samuel 16:1-13. The prophet Samuel has been instructed by God to go to the house of David’s father to anoint one of the sons as a future replacement for King Saul. After a fruitless interview of Jesse’s first seven sons, the eighth son is summoned to appear from tending the sheep.

Apparently, David is so insignificant that his usual location is out with the sheep rather than with his older brothers. It is possible that his father neglected to teach David much about the scriptures. From David’s later life, it is clear that he has a special love of God, but it is not clear he has a solid knowledge of the Scriptures. In fact, when King David later tries to move the Arc of the Covenant to Jerusalem, he does not seem to know how it should be done.

At that time in his life, David had personal knowledge of God from his observations of nature and a relationship with God through his prayer life. What he likely needed was more specific knowledge that can be gained through reading and studying the Scriptures.