Who Is God?

t’s challenging to know the Bible without knowing about God, and its challenging to know about God without knowing the Bible. The specifics of what we know about God originate from the Bible.

God is a living spirit who existed before the beginning of the world.

God chose to create everything that exists out of nothing. These fundamental understandings of God are alluded to in the very first sentence of the Bible, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

God is different from all made-up gods by the fact he actually exists. His existence is not proven by science but is known by way of faith.

God is all-powerful and all-knowing. God is good and is good to all creation. God is love and acts in love toward his creation. His goodness and love set the foundations for who God is.

Since he is a spiritual being, God is a who, not a what. He wants to have close relationships with every person on earth. The Bible tells how people can come into relationship with God.