Preparing the Way

here were at least three prophecies concerning John the Baptist in the Old Testament. About seven centuries before his birth, the prophet Isaiah wrote about a voice crying in the wilderness to prepare the way for the Lord (Isaiah 40:3-5). We know this prophecy was specifically about John the Baptist because Matthew confirmed it in Matthew 3:1-3, while John confirmed it about himself, recorded in John 1:20-23.

About four centuries before John’s birth, the prophet Malachi also wrote about him. In Malachi 3:1, he wrote that a messenger would prepare the way for the Lord. We know that prophecy was specifically about John the Baptist because Jesus said so in Matthew 11:7-10.

Malachi also wrote that Elijah the prophet would be sent before the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5). We can determine he was metaphorically speaking of John the Baptist because of Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 11:13-14. Luke also alludes to this in Luke 1:17.

The details of the birth of John the Baptist are given in Luke 1, information so specific that it seems likely to have come from a participant in the story. Perhaps Elizabeth or Mary gave Luke the information he needed to write this chapter! In Luke 1:2, Luke stated that he talked to eyewitnesses before writing his account.